[Oscar-devel] OSCAR Image creation code: major clean-up / rewrite in progress.
Olivier LAHAYE
2014-08-05 09:26:06 UTC
A Few words to inform that the current svn truck is somehow broken regarding
the Image creation code.

We were very lucky that the images were being built in fact. Multiple mount of
/proc, unmounting host /proc (failed because buzzy).

Image bootstrapping code spread across many binaries. suse boostrap in yume,
yum bootstrap in mksiimage, deb boostrap in rapt.

Image creation was ran 3 times on yum systems and two times on debian systems
for a single image build. (on yum system;, the bootstrap code was using the
rpmlist as base package to install for bootstrap).

systemInstaller-oscar perl modules are conflicting aor duplicating
OSCAR::ImageMgt code and yume and rapt are also dupplicating parts of
bootstrapping and special filesystem handling.

I would say that right now, I've fixed multiple image build.

I've also fixed system files overwritten with host file versions after image
creation. For example, the screen package used on nodes needs the screen
group. If not installed on head, the head group file has no screen group and
get pushed to the image. Then, the node, when imaged fails at boot with errors
not finding the correct group.

Now, I'll try to fix mount and unmout process

Then, if it makes sense, or if required, I'll try to cleanup code redundancy
between systeminstaller-oscar and OSCAR::ImageMgt

After that major clean-up/rewrite, we should be able to build images at
bleeding fast speed and with no build problems.

Olivier Lahaye