[Oscar-devel] OSCAR new testing mechanism preview.
LAHAYE Olivier
2014-01-09 17:57:31 UTC
OSCAR New testing mechanism is progressing well.
We have reached a step when we can stat to test it.

It's early testing, so expect difficulties in setting the environment.
But for those who are interested to give a try, here is how to proceed:

1st of all, you need to copy the test files to the correct location:
$ scp oscar/testing/*.ap* oscar/packages/blcr/testing/*.ap* oscar/munge/testing/*.ap* ***@oscar_server:/usr/lib/oscar/testing/wizard_tests/

2nd, you need to install the perl-Tk-TextANSIColor package (rpm available for fc-17 and rhel-6, soon available for other distros

3rd, you need to use latest svn oscar 10379

4: Install you cluster as usual
$ sudo yum install http://svn.oscar.openclustergroup.org/repos/unstable/rhel-6-x86_64/oscar-release-6.1.2r10379-1.noarch.rpm
$ sudo yum install oscar
$ vim /etc/oscar/oscar.conf # Set OSCAR_NETWORK_INTERFACE
$ sudo oscar-config --setup-distro centos-6-x86_64
$ sudo oscar-config --bootstrap
$ sudo oscar_wizard -d install

Folow steps until finishing step 7.

then start step 8.

if errors:
on another console do the following:
$ cd /usr/lib/oscar/testing/wizard_tests
$ sudo -- apitest -o /tmp httpd

And then point a local web browser to http://localhost:2112/

This will be automatized in the final release.(button diagnose)

For curious, here are a few screenshots:
- How step 8 should look like: Loading Image...
- How the main apitest web interface looks like: Loading Image...
- How a single test (.apt) file can be diagnosed: Loading Image...

TODO before we consider OSCAR::Testing ready for production:
1/ Add test before starting each step. So if one stop the process, then change things and tries to continue, we are sure that requirement are still valid. (example a reboot and mysql is not started). (very easy, code is already in OSCAR::Testing, only oscar_wizard needs update))
2/ update opkgc to all *.ap* test files and batches test files are packaged (less easy, but not that hard)
3/ Add test files for all oscar components (now, only base system + munge + blcr have valid api tests) (easy, but takes time)
4/ Add a diagnose button the the test result oscar_wizard Tk window that will start the apitest httpdaemon and run a web browser. (In the long term, have apitest xml parser integrated (avoid a web browser to start) (less easy as we need to handle the sub process ending but doable).

Happy testing.

Best regards,

Olivier LAHAYE
LAHAYE Olivier
2014-01-10 15:49:22 UTC

Now, revision r10387 includes the whole testing mechanism and all test batches.
The core test batches are not complete yet, but have already performing some tests.

the next step is to add more apt tests the the apb batches to make oscar more robust.

The diagnose button is not yet there.

In debug mode, the apitest results are stored in /var/log/oscar/run*
Keep in mind that each batch test creates a run directory in /var/log/oscar.
some cleanup is needed from time to time. (will be implemented when the diagnose button will be implemented)

Further to come.

Happy testing,

Best regards,

Olivier LAHAYE
De : LAHAYE Olivier
Date d'envoi : jeudi 9 janvier 2014 18:57
À : oscar-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] [Oscar-devel] OSCAR new testing mechanism preview.

OSCAR New testing mechanism is progressing well.
We have reached a step when we can stat to test it.

It's early testing, so expect difficulties in setting the environment.
But for those who are interested to give a try, here is how to proceed:

1st of all, you need to copy the test files to the correct location:
$ scp oscar/testing/*.ap* oscar/packages/blcr/testing/*.ap* oscar/munge/testing/*.ap* ***@oscar_server:/usr/lib/oscar/testing/wizard_tests/

2nd, you need to install the perl-Tk-TextANSIColor package (rpm available for fc-17 and rhel-6, soon available for other distros

3rd, you need to use latest svn oscar 10379

4: Install you cluster as usual
$ sudo yum install http://svn.oscar.openclustergroup.org/repos/unstable/rhel-6-x86_64/oscar-release-6.1.2r10379-1.noarch.rpm
$ sudo yum install oscar
$ vim /etc/oscar/oscar.conf # Set OSCAR_NETWORK_INTERFACE
$ sudo oscar-config --setup-distro centos-6-x86_64
$ sudo oscar-config --bootstrap
$ sudo oscar_wizard -d install

Folow steps until finishing step 7.

then start step 8.

if errors:
on another console do the following:
$ cd /usr/lib/oscar/testing/wizard_tests
$ sudo -- apitest -o /tmp httpd

And then point a local web browser to http://localhost:2112/

This will be automatized in the final release.(button diagnose)

For curious, here are a few screenshots:
- How step 8 should look like: http://olivier.lahaye1.free.fr/OSCAR/OSCAR_Tk_apitest.png
- How the main apitest web interface looks like: http://olivier.lahaye1.free.fr/OSCAR/apitest_http.png
- How a single test (.apt) file can be diagnosed: http://olivier.lahaye1.free.fr/OSCAR/apitest_http_diag.png

TODO before we consider OSCAR::Testing ready for production:
1/ Add test before starting each step. So if one stop the process, then change things and tries to continue, we are sure that requirement are still valid. (example a reboot and mysql is not started). (very easy, code is already in OSCAR::Testing, only oscar_wizard needs update))
2/ update opkgc to all *.ap* test files and batches test files are packaged (less easy, but not that hard)
3/ Add test files for all oscar components (now, only base system + munge + blcr have valid api tests) (easy, but takes time)
4/ Add a diagnose button the the test result oscar_wizard Tk window that will start the apitest httpdaemon and run a web browser. (In the long term, have apitest xml parser integrated (avoid a web browser to start) (less easy as we need to handle the sub process ending but doable).

Happy testing.

Best regards,

Olivier LAHAYE
