LAHAYE Olivier
2014-01-13 17:18:36 UTC
After discussing $verbosity values on #oscar-cluster IRC channel with DongInn, it turned out that we need to make things clear for developers so oscar output is coherent when a specific verbosity level is set.
Indeed, the current situation is chaotic. Some modules are extremely verbose at level 5 while other are quite quiet.
This document is a 1st draft in helping developers how to manage oscar messages output.
Best regards.
Olivier LAHAYE
After discussing $verbosity values on #oscar-cluster IRC channel with DongInn, it turned out that we need to make things clear for developers so oscar output is coherent when a specific verbosity level is set.
Indeed, the current situation is chaotic. Some modules are extremely verbose at level 5 while other are quite quiet.
This document is a 1st draft in helping developers how to manage oscar messages output.
Best regards.
Olivier LAHAYE